Going Hard After God


This morning in private worship, I read this words from John Piper about public worship:

“The authenticating, inner essence of worship is being satisfied with Christ, prizing Christ, cherishing Christ, treasuring Christ. This is tremendously relevant for understanding what worship services should be about. They are about ‘going hard after God.’ When we say that what we do on Sunday mornings is to ‘go hard after God,’ what we mean is that we are going hard after satisfaction in God, and going hard after God as our prize, and going hard after God as our treasure, our soul-food, our heart-delight, our spirit’s pleasure. Or to put Christ in His rightful place–it means that we are going hard after all that God is for us in Jesus Christ, crucified and risen.”

I love that! What a beautiful summary of what God calls us to in His worship, especially in the public assembling of His people on His day. Truly, this is the chief end of our existence: to reckon with and relish in the glory of God in Jesus Christ. Given that, I am most eager to gather with you this Sunday to go hard after God together via word, sacrament, prayer, and song. See you Sunday!

Yours in Christ,
Pastor Nick